Friday, August 5, 2016

It's been several months since I last wrote in my blog but I felt compelled to update it today. Today is a special day for me. Today marks the one year anniversary since I was diagnosed with cancer. As I reflect upon the past year and what I've gone through in my journey, I really can't believe that so much has changed since that fateful email I received about my diagnosis. (Btw- thanks to my friend Nine for getting Kaiser to change their policies on how a diagnosis is communicated to their patients). I remember thinking that the world was about to end; well, at least my world as I knew it. I was afraid and felt all alone and didn't know what I was about to embark upon. But just one year later, thanks to the wonders of modern medicine, the support of you all, and a positive attitude, I have beaten cancer and have never been healthier than I've ever been. Cancer has also given me a fresh perspective on life and what's important to me and I try to cherish and enjoy each day that I'm here on this Earth. And even against the backdrop of being displaced from my job this week, I realized that it's just another obstacle I have to face and that I've faced much tougher challenges. Life goes on and I'll be fine and I'll land on my feet somewhere else.
I also wanted to mention that I've dedicated this year as the "Year of Living". What that means is that I want to do anything and everything to enjoy life. In that regard, since my remission news, I've crossed off an item of my bucket list (went to the Super Bowl), took a family trip to Hawaii and went to several Warriors games. And later on this year, I'll take a trip to Paris with my wife (sans kids) so that we can spend some quality time together and celebrate our 7 year anniversary. 

Life is great. Each day is a blessing. 

Thanks again to all my friends for all your support and friendship the past year and over the years. Thanks for being there for me. You all are the best. 

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